Barcelona logistics warehouse

Storage Barcelona

About Transparets

A company specialising in the logistics storage of goods, we have 18,000 m² with a storage capacity of 14,000 pallets and 25,500 m³ in racks. We also have state-of-the-art information systems that allow control of shipments en route. In this way, customers can know through the Internet the status of their shipments and, in case of having stock stored, have the status of online stock.


Storage company in Barcelona

Quality Management

Our quality management system is certified by the European standard ISO 9001: 2015. We also have the sanitary registryfor storage and transportation of packaged food products: RSIPAC 40.07293 / CAT.

Certificate ISO 9001:2015

Logistic storage

Company history



Transparets, S.L. It was founded in 1973 by Mr. Tomàs Espinasa Vila to satisfy at that time the growing needfor a holiday between Parets del Vallès and Barcelona.


Due to the enterprising spirit of the Espinasa family, new services are incorporated year after year that allow us to adapt to the trends of the sector and, consequently, increase the loyalty and satisfactionof our customers.



Currently, our organization has a complete fleet of vehicles that travel throughout Spain and Portugal daily to broadly cover the needs demanded by customers. This makes us a leading logistics and transportation company throughout the country, as we also have a great experience and track record as logistics operators.

Any questions?

Contact our departments by phone or email

Storage logistics